Posted in Running

The Day the Treadmill Died (Almost)

Apologies to Mark Twain ~ The rumors of my treadmill’s death have been greatly exaggerated.

When I was running this morning – on my treadmill, of course! – I had a scary moment. I was running happily along when suddenly the belt slowed down like it was going to stop. I hadn’t touched any buttons and the emergency stop button was in its proper place. It must have been a power surge because the machine quickly returned to its proper speed and I was back in business.

That made me start thinking about what I would do if my treadmill did suddenly die on me. It is over 4 years old now and hasn’t had any maintenance or repairs since I bought it. I depend on my treadmill. It’s easy to find excuses not to run outside but it’s harder to find excuses when the treadmill is sitting right there and there’s no weather or traffic to worry about. I can’t imagine my mornings without a quick spin on the treadmill.

Is my treadmill a crutch? Or am I just a wuss?

Happy running!