Posted in Opinions and Thoughts

Each Day Is A Fresh Start

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

It’s a cliché, I know.

But I think of it when I get up in the morning.

It’s a reminder that no matter what went wrong – or right – the day before, this is now.

The future is waiting to unfold before me, brimming with possibility, teeming with potential.

I craft my future if I don’t live in my past.

from Ferenc Ecseki Photography
from Ferenc Ecseki Photography

And the thought processor churns on…

Posted in Opinions and Thoughts, Running

From Disenchantment to Closure

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post. There are a lot of reasons for this – the holidays came up, my travel schedule this year has been more intense than in prior years, I’ve chosen to spend time goofing off, etc. But the main reason I’ve not written is that after the 2012 NWM, I became disenchanted with the running community. To be specific, the online running community. To be even more specific, the online running groups on Facebook.

The social aspect – online or in real life – has never been part of why I run. So it’s been frustrating that I let my disenchantment with these online running groups affect my running.

In these past few months, I’ve tried to overcome my disenchantment with my fellow runners. For me, part of overcoming any feeling is figuring out why. Why was I disenchanted with my fellow runners as a result of running groups on Facebook?

I could tell you specific reasons and even share screenshots with you. But that wasn’t the why that I needed to understand. The why that I needed to understand went deeper. Why was I letting these Facebook running groups bother me so? Even after I left the groups and deleted the chats?

For a long time, I couldn’t answer that question. But on a recent trip, I read a brief bit in Hemispheres, the inflight publication of United Airlines, that said we remember things that we see in social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) better and longer than things we see in any other medium. They aren’t quite sure why. They speculate it’s because of the chatty, gossipy nature of social media.

Somehow, after reading that handful of paragraphs, I felt validated for letting those Facebook running groups bother me. And although I’m not ready to engage with those groups again, I am ready to put those bad episodes behind me. I’ve achieved closure as a result of that magazine blurb and plan to get back in the habit of posting regularly.

Have you ever simmered, seethed, and steamed over a Facebook post or a Tweet? Share in the comments below!

Happy Running!

Posted in Opinions and Thoughts

Wednesday Whys, 7 Nov 2012

More random thoughts while pounding out the miles both on the road and on my trusty treadmill:

  • Why did everyone swoon over Han Solo instead of Luke Skywalker?

    Picture of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo
    Who would you choose?
  • Why do people put their mobiles on speaker and then hold the phone up next to their mouths? Do they think that speakerphone is the same thing as “hands free”?
  • Why do people treat public toilets like pigsties? Would you walk away from an unflushed toilet in your home or at your office? I think people just get gross in public areas. I always try to leave a public restroom better than when I came in, which usually means taking an extra paper towel and wiping up the area around the sink. It’s a small gesture but I think it helps and it makes me feel good.
OK, That's Just Gross
  • Why are there always a few who need to unbuckle their seatbelts on the plane before the “fasten seatbelt” sign is turned off? Do you really feel constricted by that little belt? So much so that you couldn’t bear another 30 seconds of wearing it?
No Smoking and Fasten Seatbelt Signs
  • Why do people wear sunglasses indoors? Do they think they really look that cool? I think they look silly, not cool.
Wearing Sunglasses Indoors

And the thought processor churns on…